Oxford Advisory Group

Taxation in Retirement

Understanding the NEW tax rules and how to
potentially minimize the risk of overpaying

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Tax strategies before you retire and once you have retired are drastically different.

Join us for an educational webinar where we'll focus on:

Common misconceptions about how retirement can be taxed PLUS:

  • An easy-to-understand overview of the NEW TAX RULES 

  • Specific challenges that face Florida retirees
  • Strategies to potentially protect against the taxation of your Social Security income 

  • 3 ways to save on taxes while collecting Social Security

  • Options that have been eliminated by the new tax laws, and what to do about it 
  • How to avoid IRA withdrawals causing you to lose up to 1/3 of your SS income

“The topic of taxes and your retirement income is vitally important for your retirement planning.”
                                                      - Forbes

Did you know that timing can affect how much you pay in taxes? 

Or that Social Security benefits can be taxed? 

We will share powerful new strategies that address the changes that have been made in tax laws and can potentially protect you from future changes.

You will walk away with information aimed to navigate required minimum distributions and avoid potentially over-paying in taxes.

It is important to understand how to harvest your retirement income in the most tax efficient way, this could potentially save you thousands each year.

If you are looking for education on ways to potentially avoid higher taxes, protect against volatility and inflation this course is for you!

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is presenting?
Oxford Retirement Education is a group of financial professionals with decades of experience both in the financial advisory space as well as in education.  Their team has educated thousands of Florida families as well as trained thousands of financial professionals across the country in key aspects of running a wealth management firm.
Who is this for?
The information presented is designed to help pre-retirees and retirees.  Some concepts are situational and best explored one-on-one and as such this class is best for those willing to have a follow-up call after the event. The strategies discussed are best suited for those with 100k or more in investable assets.  SS Disability will not be discussed at this event.
Is there a "sales" pitch?
No, these events are strictly educational. Absolutely no product will be presented or sales pitch given.  It is typical for the educator to offer a second, personal session with attendees to cover unique situations and answer specific questions.